Revelation 11:13

Revelation 11:13

HAGEBS: Suitable Fulfillment I AM settle the fearful, convulsing, tumultuous peoples. Gather in Source to enrich, cherish, revive the cut off, destroyed, exhausted. Rekindle in Embrace, Constant Support, Complete Rest, restoring the trembling, scared, astonished, Given Illumination Most High ALaH, Heaven.

Magiera: And in that hour there was a huge earthquake and one-tenth of the city fell and they were killed in the earthquake. The names of the men [were] seven thousand and the reminder were in fear and gave praise to Alaha who is in heaven.

AENT: And in that same hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell: and the persons killed in the earthquake were seven thousand names: and they who remained were afraid and gave glory to Elohim.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Suitable/Fulfillment shatha A2573
I AM HWA/hau H1931/A593
Settle/Complete HaWA/hewa H1933/A603
fearful/convulsing/tumultuous ZWAiH/zaua H2133/A658
peoples RaB/raba H7227/A2271
Gather/Strenthen/Faithful YaKaD/khad H3161/A721
Source/Divine MaN/men H4480/A1388
Enlarge/Enrich AiShaR/esar H6235/A1848
Approve/Cherish AiYR/medintha H5892/A499
Revive NaPhaL/nephal H5307/A1538
cut off/destroyed/exhausted QaTaL/qetal H6991/A2179
Rekindle/Restore ZWAiH/zaua H2133/A658
Approval/Embrace ShaM/shema H8034/A2539
Constant/Devotion GaBaR/gevra H1396/A361
Nourish/Support ALaP/alpha H505/A99
Complete ShaBAi/sheva H7651/A2437
Rest/Resolve sharka A2611
Restore HaWA/hewa H1933/A603
trembling/scared/astonished dekhultha A511
Given YaHaB/yahav H3051/A1030
Recognition/Illumination teshbukhta A2432
Most High ALaH/alaha H433/A93
Heaven/Most High ShaMYM/shemaya H8064/A2543

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

A2573- shatha/G5610- ωραν oran: time, hour, season, day, instant, any time or period, definite point of time when an appointed action is to begin, belonging to the right time, suitable, opportune, convenient, at hand, close and near, be instant in season, occasion, set and proper time, opportunity, due time, fitness, due measure, proportion, fulfillment, right time and suitable for a purpose, favorable opportunity, temporary, transient, fixed or special occasion, particular period or interval, space, denotes a space of time, duration marked by certain features, definitely limited portion of time with added notion of suitableness

H1931- הןא HWA/A593- hau/G*: self, same, this, IS, being, come, I AM, I exist, it is I, to be, continual, far more exceeding, intent, purpose, of one mind, set at one again, to the end, together, certain, belonging to, enter, point reached, peaceful, harmonious, hear and obey, take into one’s favor, choose, prefer, approve, resemblance, similitude, likeness, duplicate, reason, virtue, effect, fruit, importance, significance, substance, mark, note, prominence, interest, care, regard, relevance, distinction, accept responsibility, parallel, undertake, carry out, support, remember, advocate, answer, be near and close, achieve, lead to, intimate, connection, faithful, devotion, dedication, commitment, true, cherished, knit together, folded together, include, encircle, hold, keep, continuous, fulfill, satisfy, resolved, finalized, complete, made perfect, conclusive, permanent, joined, union, evenly matched, immediate, direct, dear, inseparable, attached, special, best, firm, fast, strong, attentive, conscientious, focused, possession, ownership, occupation, vigilant, watchful, keen, alert, strict, exact, precise, accurate, appreciation, agree, secure, sealed, settled, established, confirmed, fixed, finished, lasting, enduring, perpetual, eternal, abiding, constant, standing, unending, endless, immutable, imperishable, stable, steadfast, stay and remain unchanged without end, continuing without interruption, remaining to the end, stay in the place that one has been occupying, continue to possess a particular quality, fulfill a particular role, prevail, be available, triumph, victorious, come out on top, superior, overcome, rule, reign, be the order of the day, be in force and effect, conviction, powerful, current, relevant, fresh, new, verified, confidence, trust, poise, peace, calm, quiet, guarantee, bond, honor, respect, earnest, fulfill, bring to completion and reality, realize, understand, fully developing one’s abilities and character, meet, suitable, fit, sound, whole, fill to the full

H1933- הןא HaWA/A603- hewa/*G: to be, this, One, same, self, IS, AM, to breathe, existence, alive, become, come to pass, keep, set, cause to be, generate, done, fulfilled, arise, settled, choose, desire, Will, complete, assemble, finished, end, abide, stay, remain, found, begin, grow, ordain, appoint, partake, perform, publish, require, show forth, enter, spring up, arrange, set forth, order, bring together, to give and take, to behave and walk, to live, conduct, have conversation, cause to stand and be, cause to rise up, return and lean on, to lift up, awake, raise up, rising to a position of preeminence or power, spiritual awakening, to know, perceive, be aware, have knowledge, recognize, acknowledge, sure, resolved, understand completely, realize definitively, value importance of relationship, approval, appreciation, connection, union, experience with, familiar, acquainted, close association, teach, instruct, direct, learn, rain, water, pierce, penetrate, hold and keep, protect, nourish, communicating things before unknown, to come to know intimately, reaffirm, remind of what is known, complete comprehension, exact viewing and understanding in participation and proximity of relationship with another, resemblance, similitude, likeness, one mind, knowable, to shine forth, bring light, enlighten, to give light, genuine, sincere, legitimate, true, lawfully begotten, natural, real, honorable, consent, agreement, determine, purpose, result of knowledge, to bear through, carry, establish, grant, deliver, save, bestow, commit, minister, offer, arouse, to free, liberate, redeem, ransom, to make right, endure, take up, purchase, own, belonging to someone, ruled governed, occupy a space or standing in the midst of the people, stirring, building, repairing, resurrect, near, ready at hand, present, valued, dear, cherished, meet, effectual, devoted, faithful, consecrated, dedicated, strong, called, named, selected, strengthen, make strong, empower, obey, imitate, follow out to the end, germinate, produce, mature, ripen, bring forth fruit and result, to proceed, permit, accompany, follow close after with, to hearken with favor, to listen, to attend and care for, to exalt, praise and worship, competency and mastery, jurisdiction, right, authority, influence, stamp, preserve with a signet or private mark, permanence, fixed, certain, sacred, covenant, intimates special interest, authentication, fencing, protection from misappropriation, impress of genuineness, emblem of ownership and security, to save and make whole, to heal and restore, sound whole, peaceful, quiet, together with, hold together, consummate in integrity, virtue, lacking nor wanting nothing necessary to completeness, goodness, having fully reached its end and purpose, restored and attained moral end, absolution, bear to completion, fully paid for, termination, manifest, fully made known, revealed

H2113- זןעה ZWAiH/A658- zaua/G4578- σεισμος seismos: to shake off, to agitate, move, tremble, vex, shake with fear, be removed, trouble, vexation, commotion, toss, shock, to move to and fro, concussion, to rock, vibrate sideways to and fro, tremor, concern, trepidation, quake, convulsion, stir up, awaken, to excite, inspire, uproar, unsettle, turn upside down, tumult, overturn, overthrow, return, convert, turning back, reversal, give and take back and forth, recovery, resurrection, raised to life again, revived, cause to stand up on one’s feet again, return and lean and rely on, re-enkindle, kindle afresh, keep in full flame, up again, fire, flourish, thrive, blossom, aglow, glowing, recover life, to live alive again, found, be merry, to manifest activity and connection again, engaged, to live, abide, dwell, continue, reside, to spend life and existence, living, present, perpetual, unshaken, immovable, not extinguished, unquenchable, unshakable, strong, union, joined, coupled, complete, made perfect whole and sound, remove, set in motion, initiate, originate, cause, stirring, moving, shift, to wag, reverberation, to move together, assimilate, to bear and carry, bring forth, reach, endure, uphold, lead, compelled, bearing and bringing forth fruit, remain alive, have conversation, support, nourish, feed, tend and care, regard, consider, maintenance of life, restoration after alienation, quicken, to glow, boil, be hot, warm, foster, fervent, earnest, honest, sincere, zealous, shine forth, reveal, make known and clear, evident, prove, vindicate, seek after, desire, worship, honor, strive after, endeavor, require, need, search after, engender alive, saved from death, rescue, preserved alive, vitalize, give life, cause to live, power of creation and reproduction, changing, fashioning anew, impartation of spiritual life, communication of spiritual sustenance, enabled to respond to God’s Voice and Spirit immediately, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, fully responsive instantaneously, yoked together, live with, conjoined, begin under again, come into existence, to be, continuance

H7227- רב RaB/A2271- raba/G3173- μεγα mega: creation, creatures, acquisition, purchase, wealth, substance, of getting and owning, begetting, bringing forth, goods, riches, with, possession, occupation, property, belonging to someone, to build, erect, set up, establish, procure by purchase, create, to own, owner, possessor, recover, redeemed, attain, teach to keep, sure, verified, bring into being, making purchase agreement with another, earn, resemblance, beam, branch, scion, offspring, generate, generation, to dwell among with, full measure given, subjugate, cause, large, great, elder, big, loud, exceeding, mighty, high, strong, sore, of rank, degree, intensity, force of voice, magnitude, strength, number, abundance, precedence, conspicuous, outpouring, power, increase, greatness, dignity, ascription, acknowledge, recognition, mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H3161- יחד YaKaD/A721- khad/*G: to be One, join, union, meet, assemble, commune, being together, fellowship, companionship, friendship, complete, total, entire, same, equal, community, unity, agree, harmonious, peaceful, whole, faithful resemblance, reference, of one mind, accord, same nature and character, having similar qualities, in conjunction with, fulfilled, satisfied, content, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, portion, study, analogous, record or extract , having the same relation, similar in position, structure and origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, example, consistent, uniform, identical, duplicate, indistinguishable, follow, devoted, dedication, commitment, fidelity, true, unswerving, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, authentic, legitimate, lawful, genuine, accurate, precise, exact, doubtless, unerring, close, strict, real, on the mark, faultless, enduring, lasting, continuous, persistent, sustained, ceaseless, perpetual, eternal, indisputable, regular, unchanging, undeviating, verified, confirmed, fixed, tenacious, given, honorable, upright, principled, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, assurance, bound, guaranteed, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, unambiguous, established, effective, secure, remembered, corroborated, substantiated, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, invulnerable, connection, seal, fortify, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept, held, fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, not subject to threat, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, free from fear and anxiety, having no doubt about attainment, certain to achieve, victorious, attached, made safe, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, freedom from disturbance, freedom from war or violence, supported, freedom from dispute or dissension, love, affection, restfulness, equanimity, composure, reconciled, restore friendly relations, compatible, settle differences, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, remain and stay with, assimilate, concur, be in the same Way, communicating, dove tail, fit, parallel, touching, pertaining to, in the presence of, present, responsive, answer, obedient, reached or entered of place, time, purpose, result, I AM AS I AM

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/*G: a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

H6235- עשר AiShaR/A1848- esar/*G: accumulation, complete, rich, grow, cultivate, enrich, enlarge, wealth, multiply, also, and, even, so, then, too, both, moreover, indeed, therefore, cumulative force, copulative, together, with, more than, above, beyond, group, unit, size, value, indicate something that is well done, satisfied, fulfilled, highest mark, winner, prevail, continue, enduring, persisting, infinite, endless, quality, boundless, limitless, immense, great, abundance, profusion, host, multitude, mass, wealth, vastness, heap, stack, plenty, bounty, lavish, loads, prosperity, overflowing, abounding, myriad

H5892- עיר AiYR/A499- medintha/G4172- πολις polis: place guarded by waking or a watch, encampment, post, station, permanent place, dwelling, wakefulness, awake, rouse, stir up, to encounter, meet, bustle, gather, engagement, touch, concern, related, many, assembled, convene, get together, great, altogether, plenteous, large, face, confront, joined, union, present, positioned with face toward pointing in a specific direction, deal with, accept, welcome, receive, overcome, prevail, require, need, necessary, desire, will, direct, respect, honor, confirm, appreciate, appear, nature, character, regard, approve, esteem, popular, prestigious, standing, dignity, reconciled, come to terms with, experienced, familiar, facing each other, apparent, capture, draw, attract, win, hold, keep, engross, occupy, possess, own, absorb, employ, occupation, recruit, take on, secure in service, enroll, appoint, ordain, choose, prefer, favor, contract, covenant, promise, agree, pledge, vow, commit, bind, bound, enter in, participate, partake, involved, share, interconnected, together, unite, know well, known, acquainted, congregate, converge, link up, intersect, cross, endure, abide, stay with, remain, greet, answer, treat, fulfill, satisfy, fill, full, whole, conform to, obedient, settled, residence, dwell with, stay together with, near and close beside

H5307- נפל NaPhaL/A1538- nephal/*G: quicken, revive, belonging, pertaining to, homage, worship, wind like, flight, quick, swift, breathe, respire, surround, cover, atmosphere, regular, continued, earnest, perpetual, incessant, successive, repeated, ready always to give, permanent, without ceasing, unending, remembrance, without omission, inseparable, without partiality, uninterrupted, constant, recurring, pure, incorruptible, spirited, strong, bold, communion, connection, joined, union, bond, sincere, genuine, authentic, legitimate, lawful, truthful, eternal, negates the end either of space or time, stresses quality, unchangeableness, choice, best, suitable, eligible, favor, well, sound, will, desire, character, integrity, of heaven, certain, sure, assurance, foundation, accord, verified, confirmed, secure, power, elevation, ascending far above all heavens, distinct, overcome, fulfilled, regard, care, concern, tend, attend, present, highest most high, spiritual, penetrating, sharpness, heart, wisdom, knowledge, devotion, faithfulness, dedication, abiding, endowment, prepared, useful, needed, divinely intimate, firm, serviceable, profitable, agreement, occupation, intercourse, possession, ownership, rule, govern, regulated, sentient principle, alive, animated, soul, life, mind, breath of life, affections, moral being, resemblance, kept alive in full flame, sustained, preserved, renewed, refreshed, recovered, regenerated, delivered, saved, redeemed, feather, wing, rapid, fast, swift, protection, defense, cover, foster, nurture, nourish, feed, parent, regard, fastened, soar, wave, move, touch, achievement, alight, airborne, enabled to fly, means of flight, ready, appropriate, successful, raise, by the side near and close, fast flowing, expeditious, express, brisk, instant, immediate, precipitous, secure, preserve, shield, conserve, sanctuary, refuge, immunity, insure, assurance, guarantee, umbrella, champion, providence, barrier, buffer, hedge, cushion, prevent from harm, armor, show forth, transparent, shining, clear, pure, clean, unblemished, elevated, exalted, lift up, operate, steer, exhibit, bear, hoist, light, jump for joy, ascend, climb, rise, poised, remain and stay, accelerate, magnify, extol, glorify, enlarge, boost, enhance, maximize, augment, amplify, build up, complete, made perfect, glowing, radiant, luminous, illuminate, enlighten, ablaze, aglow, burning red hot, kept alive in full flame, brilliant, intense, vivid, vibrant, ruddy, blooming, praise, thanksgiving, appreciation, recognition, acknowledge, familiar, known, healthy, satisfaction, steady, sure, well being

H6991- קטל QaTaL/A2179- qetal/G615- απεκτανθησαν apektanthesan: clip off, cut off, destroy, put to death, slay, kill, butcher, to slaughter, maim violently, wound, victim for sacrifice, taking human life, assassination, destruction, strain of sorrow, slain victim, death, off away from something near, separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, taking of life, murder, abolish, lead away, carry away, strangle, end life, assassinate, eliminate, terminate, finish off, execute, massacre, wipe out, annihilate, exterminate, mow down, put an end to, extinguish, dash, ruin, wreck, shatter, smash, crush, exhaust, wear out, sap, enervate, knock out, hurt, cause pain and suffering to, torment, torture, defeat, overrule, overturn, demolish, spoil, damage, disrupt, upset, frustrate, devastate, obliterate, eradicate, erase, appointed to death, deadly, cease to function, demise, expire

H2113- זןעה ZWAiH/A658- zaua/G4578- σεισμος seismos: to shake off, to agitate, move, tremble, vex, shake with fear, be removed, trouble, vexation, commotion, toss, shock, to move to and fro, concussion, to rock, vibrate sideways to and fro, tremor, concern, trepidation, quake, convulsion, stir up, awaken, to excite, inspire, uproar, unsettle, turn upside down, tumult, overturn, overthrow, return, convert, turning back, reversal, give and take back and forth, recovery, resurrection, raised to life again, revived, cause to stand up on one’s feet again, return and lean and rely on, re-enkindle, kindle afresh, keep in full flame, up again, fire, flourish, thrive, blossom, aglow, glowing, recover life, to live alive again, found, be merry, to manifest activity and connection again, engaged, to live, abide, dwell, continue, reside, to spend life and existence, living, present, perpetual, unshaken, immovable, not extinguished, unquenchable, unshakable, strong, union, joined, coupled, complete, made perfect whole and sound, remove, set in motion, initiate, originate, cause, stirring, moving, shift, to wag, reverberation, to move together, assimilate, to bear and carry, bring forth, reach, endure, uphold, lead, compelled, bearing and bringing forth fruit, remain alive, have conversation, support, nourish, feed, tend and care, regard, consider, maintenance of life, restoration after alienation, quicken, to glow, boil, be hot, warm, foster, fervent, earnest, honest, sincere, zealous, shine forth, reveal, make known and clear, evident, prove, vindicate, seek after, desire, worship, honor, strive after, endeavor, require, need, search after, engender alive, saved from death, rescue, preserved alive, vitalize, give life, cause to live, power of creation and reproduction, changing, fashioning anew, impartation of spiritual life, communication of spiritual sustenance, enabled to respond to God’s Voice and Spirit immediately, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, fully responsive instantaneously, yoked together, live with, conjoined, begin under again, come into existence, to be, continuance

H8034- שם ShaM/A2539- shema/ G3686- ονομα onoma: conspicuous position, appellation, praise, mark, distinction, approval, authority, honor, character, memorial, name, renown, fame, reputation, memory, identification, property, inheritance, continuance, offspring, posterity, generation, set, appoint, ordain, regard, care, charge, commit, determine, impute, purpose, erect, set or put before one’s mind, obligate, assign, consider, pay heed, fix, preserve, command, pledge, decide, decreed, engrave, incise, burn, brand, own, possess, occupy, plow, devise, keep, hold, glow, brilliant, shine, stamp, exact copy or representation, resemblance, teach diligently, learn, associate with, engross, impress, seal, correspond, complete similarity, sharpen, shew forth, rain, water, stake, badge of servitude, sign, rejoice, joyous, cheerful, glad, burnish, polish, shed rays, brighten, enlighten, lustrous, transparent, illuminate, full of light, witness, manifest, evident, emanation, discern, reception, favor, blessing, guidance, instruction, prosperity, called, surnamed, dignity, rank, majesty, power, excellence, of everything the name covers, expression of attributes, credit, benefit, known, acknowledgement, confession, recognition of authority combined with the reliance to rest upon, identified with, sake, account, mention, address, worship, reference, esteem, prestige, choose, nominate, earmark, defining, value, deal with, attend, respond, administer, conduct, direct, supervise, belonging to, register, enroll, title of honor and authority, confer, thought or feeling roused in mind by mentioning, hear, remember, of one’s own freewill and authority, all the qualities by which God makes Self known to humanity equivalent to Aloha’s Divinity, Essence, Nature, Divine Majesty, Perfection, magnified, consecrated, united in name and character, analogy, commemorate, embracing Truth AS IS, resting in union with Aloha, regardful of God’s Name and Praise, come together to deliberate concerning any matter relating to Aloha’s cause directed in regard for I AM’s Name and Reputation, embracing and avowing Aloha’s Name, defending Aloha’s Authority

H1396- גבר GaBaR/A361- gevra/*G: strong, prevail, strengthen, great, confirm, mighty, exceed, surpass, valiant, able to fulfill responsibility, fasten, fortify, courageous, bind, repair, settle, resolve, encourage, comfort, constant, established, maintain, mend, recover, sure, withstand, uphold, brace up, hardy, agreement, covenant, promise fulfilled, able to satisfy claim, possession, capacity, impenetrable, unswerving, faithful, honest, trustworthy, solid, determined, effective, healthy, nourish, devotion, dedication, powerful, successful, accomplishment, achievement, completion, authority, legitimate, genuine, authentic, enduring

H505- אלף ALaP/A99- alpha/*G: to associate with, commune, to learn, to teach, utter, bring forth fruitful and a thousandfold, increase, enlarge, augment, family, yoking, taming, domesticated, lead a large group, first, foremost, great, uphold, rise, lift up, raise, nourish, feed, kindle, gender, look after, dawning, enlighten, make known and clear, rule, govern, ownership, possession, occupation, engagement, useful, advantage, benefit, pour out forth, shine forth, secure, fasten, settle, resolve, determination, devotion, faithfulness, dedication, commitment, bear fruit, grow, nurture, cultivate, mature, offspring, Giver and Fountain Of LIFE, cuddle, gather, embrace, cherish, beloved, union, joined, coupled, overshadow, hover over, defend and protect, shelter, support, supply, make provisions for, take care of, attend to, kinsman, unity, relationship, promote, prominent, conspicuous, Supreme, preeminent

H7651- שבע ShaBAi/A2437- sheva/G2033- επτα epta: seven as the Sacred Full One, week, indefinite number, seven times, complete, perfection, satiety, fulness, enough, sufficient, fill to satisfaction, plenty, rain, watered, supplied, abundance, oath and charge fulfilled, strongly affirmed, authentic, genuine, legitimate, honest, sincere, truthful, undeviating, allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, dedication, commitment, approval, making and upholding promises, binding, knit together, harmonious, agreement, reconciled, set at One, drawn to a close, brought to complete end, joined in union, finished, complete in itself, accomplished, established, settled, abiding, consummation, resolution, realization, intimate, evenly matched, choice, marked, owned, distinct, attentive, focused, fresh, kept in full flame alive, vibrant, meet, form a circle, cease trading, reception, agree, seal, secure, highest point, crown, crest, highlight, reached and arrived, highest point of development, elevated, made to resemble ALaH, belonging to YaH, occupied and employed by Aloha, refined, shining, epitome, embodiment, quintessence, jewel, gem, delight, pleasure, suitable, expression, representation, actualization, congruent, correspond, consistent, accord, communion with, kept, taken, acceptance, steadfast, constant, dependable, reliable, appointed, unchanging, immovable, anchored, unfailing, sure, certain, lawful, valid, veritable, attested, good, straight, open, wholehearted, accurate, exact, correct, true to life, equitable, righteous, reach the target, honorable, clear, warm, benignant, favor, advantage, worship, venerable, adored, praise, thanksgiving, cherish, follow, set great store by, care for, tend to, protect, feed, nourish, preserve, keep safe, prize, value highly, adhere, cling to, keep in mind and heart, nurture, foster, named, blessed, endowed, enjoy, appreciate, celebration, contentment, rejoice, anticipate, comfort, peace, equanimity, presence, Word of Honor, guarantee, covenant, alliance, face to face, familiar, family, gathered, endure, answer, gracious, magnanimous, merciful, compassionate, kind, forgiving, forbearing, long suffering, humane, selfless, openhanded, free, absolute total, eminent, principal, central, matchless, powerful, foremost, chief, magnificent, majestic, splendid, brilliant, passionate, congenial, prime, essential, fundamental, number One, indispensable, of concern and interest, relevant, Highest Most High Creator Savior

A2611- sharka/G3062- λοιποι loipoi: remain, stay, continue, rest, abide, final, set, mark, existing, last, carry on, persisting, prevail, wait, keep, still available, occupy, possess, own, certain, adhere, cling to, hang, go on, spend time, accommodate, remain in the same place, belonging to someone, join, union, coupled, settled, remember, keep in mind, attend, preserved, persevere, steadfast, faithful, live, devoted, dedicated, committed, kept, taken, permanent, received, accept, welcome, carry out to the end, carry on, proceed, extend, maintain, sustain, keep alive in full flame, revived, recovered, saved, delivered, redeemed, restored, fixed, established, secure, solid, stable, prepared, able to stand, determined, resolute, called by name, specified, appoint, ordain, will

H1933- הןא HaWA/A603- hewa/*G: to be, this, One, same, self, IS, AM, to breathe, existence, alive, become, come to pass, keep, set, cause to be, generate, done, fulfilled, arise, settled, choose, desire, Will, complete, assemble, finished, end, abide, stay, remain, found, begin, grow, ordain, appoint, partake, perform, publish, require, show forth, enter, spring up, arrange, set forth, order, bring together, to give and take, to behave and walk, to live, conduct, have conversation, cause to stand and be, cause to rise up, return and lean on, to lift up, awake, raise up, rising to a position of preeminence or power, spiritual awakening, to know, perceive, be aware, have knowledge, recognize, acknowledge, sure, resolved, understand completely, realize definitively, value importance of relationship, approval, appreciation, connection, union, experience with, familiar, acquainted, close association, teach, instruct, direct, learn, rain, water, pierce, penetrate, hold and keep, protect, nourish, communicating things before unknown, to come to know intimately, reaffirm, remind of what is known, complete comprehension, exact viewing and understanding in participation and proximity of relationship with another, resemblance, similitude, likeness, one mind, knowable, to shine forth, bring light, enlighten, to give light, genuine, sincere, legitimate, true, lawfully begotten, natural, real, honorable, consent, agreement, determine, purpose, result of knowledge, to bear through, carry, establish, grant, deliver, save, bestow, commit, minister, offer, arouse, to free, liberate, redeem, ransom, to make right, endure, take up, purchase, own, belonging to someone, ruled governed, occupy a space or standing in the midst of the people, stirring, building, repairing, resurrect, near, ready at hand, present, valued, dear, cherished, meet, effectual, devoted, faithful, consecrated, dedicated, strong, called, named, selected, strengthen, make strong, empower, obey, imitate, follow out to the end, germinate, produce, mature, ripen, bring forth fruit and result, to proceed, permit, accompany, follow close after with, to hearken with favor, to listen, to attend and care for, to exalt, praise and worship, competency and mastery, jurisdiction, right, authority, influence, stamp, preserve with a signet or private mark, permanence, fixed, certain, sacred, covenant, intimates special interest, authentication, fencing, protection from misappropriation, impress of genuineness, emblem of ownership and security, to save and make whole, to heal and restore, sound whole, peaceful, quiet, together with, hold together, consummate in integrity, virtue, lacking nor wanting nothing necessary to completeness, goodness, having fully reached its end and purpose, restored and attained moral end, absolution, bear to completion, fully paid for, termination, manifest, fully made known, revealed

A511- dekhultha/G1719- εμφοβοι emphoboi: in fear, alarm, afraid, tremble, exceedingly, flight, be scared, that which causes flight, swift, sweeping, dread, terror, intimidated, reverential, power, control, influence, guide, restraint, attitude of suppliant, superior, formidable, terrible, fearful, discretion, reverence toward God, piety, be in awe, respect, revere, alert, astonished, moved, protracted state, prostrate, humble, bowed down, obedience, comply, adhere, cling to, stay and remain with, beloved, cherish, treasure, stand in awe and amazement, venerate, esteem, regard, attend, serve, admiration, deference, honor, courteous, greet, remember, occupation, ownership, possession, rule, governance, regulation, think highly of, hold in high regard, look up to, show consideration for, be mindful, recognize, acknowledge, keep, follow, comply with, abide by, conform to, act in accordance with, defer to, keep to, concerned about, refer to, in connection with, prompt, near and close at hand, present, serviceable, fit, immediate, instant, constant, fastened, quiver, vibrate, resound, effective, impact, sway, authority, mastery, dominion, jurisdiction, supremacy, guidance, direction, conduct, Way, press against, Example, model, inspiration, leverage, weight, heavy, pull, prestige, standing, stature, rank, clout, determine, shape, transform, inform, lean on, result, consequence, repercussions, conclusion, culmination, potency, strength, success, operation, enforcement, implementation, validity, lawfulness, legitimate, genuine, authentic, verified, meaning, theme, import, intent, will, significance, Message, Essence, Spirit, belonging, Good, property, achieve, accomplish, fulfill, carry out to the full, realize, manage, bring about, execute, perform, penetrate, discharge, complete, consummate, cause, create, produce, make, occasion, generate, engender, actuate, initiate, Origin, reality, Truth, fact, actual, essential, important, central, near and close, come into force and operation, valid, applicable, able to produce results, shows the Way to others, principle, standard, Word, document, display, providing information, structure, markings that direct, position, indicate the Way to others, escort, attendant, usher, adviser, mentor, counselor, pointer, marker, sign, mark, guiding Light, beacon, pattern, blueprint, template, touchstone, measure, benchmark, gauge, guidebook, lead, show, Shepherd, steer, pilot, accompany, companionship, help, assist, command, run, be in charge, have control of, preside over, superintend, supervise, oversee, handle, give direction to

H3051- יהב YaHaB/A1030- yahv/G1325- εδωκαν edokan: to give, to put, come, ascribe, bring, give out, set, take, deliver, Given, portion, grant, bestow, commit, minister, offer, yield, provide, furnish, accord, contribute, convey, impart, communicate, entrust, devote, dedicate, permit, occasion, produce, arrange, perform, execute, administer, deal, Gift, present, care, account, express, appoint, measure, commission, pour out forth, make known, reveal

A2432- teshbukhta/G1391- δοξαν doxan: very visible and apparent, manifest, honor, dignity, glory, praise, worship, exhibited, shone forth, revealed character and nature of God, everlasting power and Divinity, His attributes and power revealed, manifested perfection of His character and righteousness, due acknowledgement and recognition of His exhibited attributes and ways, source from whom all divine splendor and perfection proceed in their manifestation and to whom they belong, character and ways of God exhibited and manifested in Christ and by the indwelling of His Spirit in His children in His likeness and resemblance, brightness, supernatural emanation from God, His Name and Reputation, ascription of praise to God, appearance commanding respect and reverence, magnificence, excellence, high renown and honor won by notable achievements, thanksgiving offered to God, greatness, distinction, special cause of delight and respect, heavenly, luminous, take pleasure and delight in, enthusiastic piety expressed, exclamation of surprise and delight, state of extreme joy and exaltation, eminence, recognition, adoration, veneration, homage, resplendence, majesty, nobility, rejoice and bask in, clear and obvious to the eye or mind, display by one’s acts or appearance, demonstrate, make evident, prove, declaration, record, show, exhibit, present, sign, indicate, attest, establish, substantiate, confirm, plain, palpable, overt, glaring, transparent, conspicuous, undisguised, noticeable, stand out, marked, pronounced, prominent, striking, worthy, deserving effort, attention and respect, suitable, important, notable, fit, righteous, good, moral, ethical, upright, principle, pure, Light Giver, Leading Light, Master, Guiding Light

H433- אלה ALaH/A93- alaha/G2316- θεος theos: Supreme God, Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior And Preeminent To Deliver Victorious, Most High, Highest, Preeminent, Source Of Life, One True God, Greatest, Superior, Character, Attribute, Impressive, God Who revealed Himself in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant involves God’s care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, Everlasting God Of Eternity, continuity, stability, veneration of God, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, Yehowah Elohim, His Power and Preeminence, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Highest Most High, Infinite Creator and Savior, Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, of the thing of which God is Author, things of God, Counsel, things due to God, because He Is As Is, things respecting and pertaining to God, wholly devoted to God and for which alone one lives, resemblance, similitude, at One

H8064- שמים ShaMYM/A2543- shemaya/G3772- ουρανου ouranou: aloft, to be lofty, heaven, atmosphere, space, vast expanse, place of exaltation, heights, above, upper regions, the vaulted expanse with all things visible and invisible in it, universe, world, outmost, extreme limits, greatest distance, extreme measure of altitude, acme, zenith, glory, prosperity, better, best, aerial, sidereal, seat of an order of things eternal and consummately perfect, distinct, eternal blessing, dwelling of Most High, all space, sky, high, realm of Aloha’s storehouse, vapor, firmament, connected, joined, wheel, whirlwind, breath, dust, powder, whirled, rolling thing, gyrate, circular, spiral, coil, enfold, surround, encompass, elevation, heaven, abode of God, happiness, power, prosperity, eternity, eternal dwelling place of God, ascending above all the heavens, uncreated sphere of God’s abode, on high, spiritual, to rise, lifted high above, mount on high, preeminent, prominent, distinct, above, great, imperial, powerful, prevailing, accomplished, established, enduring, everlasting, highest most high, important, chief, divine, deity, of righteousness, certainty, faithfulness, sure, devotion, dedication, conviction, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, distinct, pure, clear, clean, promoted, advance, upgrade, prefer, favor, choice, ennoble, step up, mountain, heights, greatest, grandeur, nobility, loftiness, majesty, sublime, being elevated, lift up, raise, rear, bring up, amount to, level up, augment, increase, adored, cherished, treasured, held and kept dear, near and close beside, continue, endure, lasting, abiding, stay and remain with, move to a higher level and position, set upright, made right, construct and build, bring to the surface from below, save, deliver, reunite, increase amount, level and strength of, promote, champion, support, foster, nourish, back, uphold, bring back from death, establish to stand firm, correspond, uplift, escalate, magnify, boost, assemble, acquire, accumulate, enlist, call up, present, awaken, engender, produce, induce, kindle, arouse, keep alive in full flame, nurture, look after, care for, tend, educate, train, keep, grow, cultivate, fulfill, wrap

Greek with Strong’s Numbers:

[και G2532 εν G1722 εκεινη G1565 τη G3588] ωρα G5610 [εγενετο G1096] σεισμος G4578 μεγας G3173 [και G2532 το G3588 δεκατον G1182 της G3588] πολεως G4172 [επεσεν G4098 και G2532] απεκτανθησαν G615 [εν G1722 τω G3588] σεισμω G4578 ονοματα G3686 [ανθρωπων G444 χιλιαδες G5505] επτα G2033 [και G2532 οι G3588] λοιποι G3062 εμφοβοι G1719 [εγενοντο G1096 και G2532] εδωκαν G1325 δοξαν G1391 [τω G3588] θεω G2316 [του G3588] ουρανου G3772

[ ] Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G: no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition. CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible. Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance. Oxford English Dictionary. Wigram’s Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T. The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition. Tyndale 1526 edition. Matthews Bible 1537 edition. Geneva Bible 1560 edition. Etheridge NT Peshitta. Holy Bible: From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa. Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation – Messianic Version by Janet Magiera. Blue Letter Bible. Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition. HAGEBS – Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.

Studies can be referenced at: (HAGEBS)