Revelation 11:11

Revelation 11:11

HAGEBS: Author, Way Complete, cherish the separated, broken, divisive in Spirit Of LIFE. Divine ALaH Most High gather together in Vindication. Most High, Humility, Breath Of LIFE, revive fearful humanity In Most High I AM Most High Assurance, to Embrace In Approval.

AENT: And after these three days and a half, the Spirit of Life from Elohim entered into them, and they stood upon their feet: and a great fear fell on those who saw them.

Magiera: And after three three and a half days, the living Rukha from Alaha entered into them and they rose up on their feet and the Rukha of life fell on them and great fear was on those who saw them.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Author MaN/men H4480/A1388
Way batar A215
Complete ShaLWSh/telath H7969/A2674
Cherish YaWM/yauma H3117/A1036
separated/broken/divisive PaLaGaH/pelga H6391/A1971
Spirit RWK/rukha H7307/A2323
LIFE KaYa/khaya H2416/A781
Divine MaN/men H4480/A1388
Most High ALaH/alaha H433/A93
Gather AiDaH/al H5710/A1796
Together va A217
Vindicate QaWM/qaum H6965/A2168
Most High AiL/al H5920/A1804
Humility RaGaL/regla H7272/A2293
Breath RWK/rukha H7307/A2323
LIFE KaYa/khaye H2416/A782
Revive NaPhaL/nephal H5307/A1538
Most High AiL/al H5920/A1804
fearful dekhultha A511
humanity RaB/raba H7227/A2271
I AM HaWA/hewa H1933/A603
Most High AiL/al H5920/A1804
Assurance aina A66
Embrace KaZaH/kheza H2372/A758
Approval lamed A1261

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/G3326- μετα meta: a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

A215- batar/*G: follow after, behind in order, against, next, accordingly, hereafter, set in the same Way, such, then, toward, hereof, hereby, the same, hence, with, by, to, in like manner, in the same Way, even thus, like, resemblance, similitude, likeness, duplicate, exact, precise, accurate, identical, not different, unchanged, the same thing, sharing the same characteristics, similarly in the same Way, simultaneously, conviction, trust, reliance, dependence, essentially the same in spite of apparent differences, selfsame, synonymous, corresponding, interchangeable, paired, twin, coupled, joined, union, equivalent, very same, one and the same, matching, indistinguishable, parallel, comparable, congruent, in full agreement, harmonious, concordant, consonant, unvarying, consistent, uniform, regular, symmetrical, of the same mind and heart, still, tantamount, devotion, dedication, commitment, true, honest, sincere, authentic, genuine, whole hearted, adhere, cling to, stay and remain with, loyal, fidelity, faithful, constant, steadfast, resolved, fully resembling the original, unswerving, staunch, dependable, reliable, accurate, unerring, faultless, close and near, strict, real, on the mark, upright, principled, ethical, moral, virtuous, incorruptible, responsible, mature, sensible, reasonable, levelheaded, safe, sound, whole, reputable, discreet, honorable, righteous, decent, respectable, good, worthy, just, fair, noble, lawful, legitimate, credible, illustrious, distinguished, eminent, great, glorious, renowned, acclaimed, prestigious, admirable, free of deceit and untruthfulness, correct, blameless, well intentioned, successful, simple, clear, understandable, unpretentious, set, established, complete, perfect, right minded, law abiding, candid, frank, open, forthright, straight, plain, conforming to the law and rules, able to be defended with logic and justification, born of parents lawfully married to each other, having a title based on strict hereditary rights, constituting or relating to be distinct and clear, legal, authorized, permitted, admissible, sanctioned, approved, licensed, constitutional, rightful, real, proper, acknowledged, recognized, valid, sound, well founded, officially agree to and accepted as satisfactory, prove and shown to be approved, corroborate, substantiate, confirm, verify, satisfy, stamp and seal of approval, endorsed, certify, ratify, agree with, support, uphold, back, subscribe to, recommend, advocate, be in favor, think well of, appreciate, take kindly to, pleased with, praise, worship, accept, receive, make room for, consent, assent to, bless, validate, pass, give OK to, commend, grant, allow

H7969- שלוש ShaLWSh/A2674- telath/G5140- τριων triown: three, third, thrice, often, thirdly, the third part, whole, one, three, thrice, three times, complete, perfect, safe, well, happy, friendly, welfare, health, prosperity, peace, favor, familiar, great, wholly, rest, tranquility, at ease, unharmed, unhurt, to be whole, trust, comfortable with someone, relationship of harmony and wholeness, harmonious state of the soul and mind encourages full development of the faculties and powers, state of being at ease experienced internally and externally, prosperous relationship between two or more parties, full and complete understanding and comprehension, covenant of peace fulfilled, satisfied, everlasting covenant of peace, sanctuary, recompense, reward, prize, secure, successful, security, genuine, authentic, quietness, abundance, safety, unmolested, lawful, ruled, governed, mastery, power, successful conclusion, fully complete and lacking nothing necessary or needful, liberated, content, cherished, taught, instructed, fulfilled, level, triple, three fold, treble, triangle, highest, captain, lord, great measure, excellent, prince, mighty, premier, supreme, greatest, third rank, extremely good, outstanding, approval and pleasure, delightful, preeminent, appreciation, favor, preference, choice, best, superb, exceptional, marvelous, wonderful, magnificent, matchless, peerless, prime, first, foremost, important, chief, superlative, splendid, fine, beautiful, exemplary, tremendous, fantastic, fabulous, top notch, divine, faithful, loyal, devotion, dedication, commitment, fidelity, honor, respect, veneration, glory, awesome, brilliant, main, key, central, principal, most important, paramount, major, number one, fundamental, basic, essential, primary, select, finest, archetypal, characteristic, youthful, zenith, pinnacle, highest most high, from which everything is derived or proceeds, the best possible quality, having all the expected and typical characteristic as prime, most suitable, even, having no common factor but one, state or time of greatest strength, vigor and success, beginning, distinguished, marked, made ready for use or action, prepared, cover with preparation, seal, starting material, original, relevant, support, growth, progress, well funded, sustained, guarded, defended, protected

H3117- יום YaWM/A10360- yauma/G2250- ημερας emeras: to be hot, day, warm, daily, ever, continually, full, always, whole, perpetually, present, remain, life, daylight, period, point of time or moment, year, tame, gentle, forever, time, age, hour, season, definite point of time, belonging to the right hour or season, timely, flourishing, beauteous, that which is seasonably produced at the right time, prime, time when anything is the loveliest and best, a period fixed by natural laws and revolutions, the best season, beautiful, to sit, dwell, immovable, stedfast, settled, fastened, fixed, abiding, enduring, set, married, complete, perfect, joined and coupled to stay and remain, peaceful, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, domesticated, bound, perpetuity, evermore, eternal, unbroken duration, indefinite duration, period marked by moral and spiritual characteristics in respects to increasing knowledge of God, stresses the quality of life, interminable duration, everlasting, endless, without end, permanence and unchangeableness, generation, begetting, successive, birth, whole, entire, origin, lineage, natural, delivered, gender, conceive, act of God, bring into special relationship with God, always uniquely related to God, anew from above, kin, fruit, offspring, children, kindred, people, maturity, full age, completeness, brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing necessary to completeness, consummate in integrity and virtue, full grown, end, having reached its end, full development, goodness, complete revelation of God’s Will and Way, preserved, attained moral end for which is intended, completing of assigned purpose, accomplishment of purpose, consecrate, fulfill, verified, confirmed, absolution, performed, ripe, limit, concluded, fill up, carry out a thing the the full, result, termination, uttermost, what is paid, acme, regularly, earnestly, continued duration, unceasing, be ready always, present, close, honest, have conversation, return with, without interruption or intermission

H6390- פלגה PaLaGaH/A1971- pelga/G2255- ημισυ hmisu: separate, split, divide, rill, channel, river, stream, runlet, gully, division, section, cleaved, set apart, distinguish, sever, put a difference, breach, break open, pierce, cut, bring forth, strike through, covenant, devotion, humble, worship, serve, slice, piece, halved, dissect, partition, screen off, protect, diverge, branch, fork, share, allocate, allot, apportion, parcel, deal, distribute, dispense, break up, isolate, estrange, alienate, classify, sort, categorize, order, rank, gulf, gap, border, boundary, mark, Way, defend, conduct, medium, vehicle, means, agency, route, avenue, instrument, conveyance, tranmission, direction, guide, show forth

H7307- רןח RWK/A2323- rukha/G4151- πνευμα pneuma: breathe, mell, perceive, anticipate, accept, touch, make of quick understanding, keen, wind, resemblance, life, spirit, rational being, expression, function, mind, courage, deep feeling, strength, temper, revive, constant, Breath Of Life, soul, non-material being, inspiration, vitality, intellect, divine, spiritual, vital principle by which the body is animated, disposition, vigor, non-carnal, regenerate, of Origin in harmony with character, will and purpose of Creator, Word Of YaH, suited belonging to Heaven, all that is produced and maintained by the operation of the Spirit Of Truth, heart, desire, affection, moral being, presence, attitude, frame of mind, way of thinking, emotion, humor, ethos, prevailing tendency, motivating force, essence, atmosphere, strength of character, fortitude, will, determination, resolution, liveliness, energy, verve, zest, sparkle, shine, light, zeal, fire, passion, fervor, real and true meaning, true intention, substance, rule, authority, seat of power, jurisdiction, temperament, fulfill, surround, conclude, close, near, companionship, personality, assurance, confidence, alert, calm, comfort, encourage, relevant, gentle, power by which human being feels, thinks, wills, decides, recognition, power of perception grasping Divine Eternal things upon which the Spirit Of Aloha exerts its influence, highest noblest part of humanity, house where Faith and Trust in Word Of YaH are at home, soul thoroughly roused by Divine Spirit, wholly intent on Divine things and destitute of distinct self consciousness, clear understanding, devoid of all grosser matter, possessed of the power of knowing, all higher spiritual gifts and blessings, august, full of majesty, utterly opposed to all impurity, beneficent effect, prominent, perpetually filled, imparted, bestowed, follow, reception, connection, bond, union, fortitude, patient in all persecutions, sure and joyful hope, teach, guide, prompt, counsel, Author of special spiritual gifts, proficiency, efficiency, effective, complete, revealed

H2416- חי KaYa/A781- khaya/G2222- ζωης zoes: raw, fresh, alive, strong, life, living thing, running, maintenance, springing, moving, living being, state of living, lifetime, breath that bring life, quick, freshness, not stagnant, refreshing and pleasant, life as special gift from God, gift of salvation, revive, make alive, let live, nourish up, preserve alive, quicken, recover, repair, restore to life, save, be whole, have life, cause to live, a live thing, all creatures that live, living being, having vitality, enable to respond, full and instant response, responsive, preserved, saved from death and destruction, reconciled, lifetime, living, partakers, keep alive in full flame, maintain, possess, occupy, relationship, principle of power and mobility, moral association, inseparable, righteousness, life as the principle that is the common possession, bond, bound, exist, have life and breath, walk, behave, reside, home, residence, settled, lodge, inhabit, occupy, populate, dwell, domicile, abide, remain and stay, continue, conduct, experience, survive, support, sustain, kept, taken, enjoy, have fun, lively, full of life, feed and nourish, tend, animate, sentient, personal, electrified, powered, active, glowing, hot, burning, alight, flaming, aflame, blazing, ignited, on fire, aglow, red hot, bright, brilliant, vigorous, energetic, continued to be supported, continuing in existence, have interest and meaning, aware, conscious, awake, teeming, prevalent, essential, vital, functioning, ongoing, abiding, in operation, current, alert, spry, vivacious, buoyant, exuberant, zestful, spirited, inspired, bristling, pulsating, verve, sparkle, passion, fire, drive, strong, present

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/*G: a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

H433- אלה ALaH/A93- alaha/G2316- θεος theos: Supreme God, Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior And Preeminent To Deliver Victorious, Most High, Highest, Preeminent, Source Of Life, One True God, Greatest, Superior, Character, Attribute, Impressive, God Who revealed Himself in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant involves God’s care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, Everlasting God Of Eternity, continuity, stability, veneration of God, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, Yehowah Elohim, His Power and Preeminence, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Highest Most High, Infinite Creator and Savior, Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, of the thing of which God is Author, things of God, Counsel, things due to God, because He Is As Is, things respecting and pertaining to God, wholly devoted to God and for which alone one lives, resemblance, similitude, at One

H5710- עדה AiDaH/A1796- al/G1525- εισελθωσιν eiselthosin: advance, pass on, continue, remove, bedeck, ordain, assemble, fix, concourse, family, crowd, congregate, company, multitude, people, enter, gather, witness, forgive, pardon, take away, approval, cherish, beloved, devotion, order, regulate, govern, give complete access to, yielding, bestow, grant, decorate, embellish, improve, augment, better, settle, resolve

A217- va/*G: into, in, with, together, union, joint, among, by

H6965- קום QaWM/A2168- qaum/G2476- εστησαν estesan: to rise, stand, raise, establish, confirm, perform, set, sure, continue, abide, accomplish, endure, clear, good, hold, make, ordain, remain and stay, strengthen, succeed, come about, movement to an erect position, stand up for, empowering, inevitable, exist, valid, is, immovable, beginning, command, testify on behalf of, vindicate, made sure, appoint, set up, stood by, stand still, covenant, hold up, keep safe, present, to make to stand, single out, choose, select, call, name, seal, mark, ownership, possession, occupation, rule, govern, regulate, control, direct, teach, guide, lead, made known, clear and evident, liberated, free and having full and unrestricted access to the Presence of God and His Blessings, revived, regenerated, restored, saved from death and destruction to belong to God Only, delivered, renewed, taught, fastened, set firm, settled, joined in union belong to God’s Ownership, coupled, duplicated, resemblance, agreement, harmonious, peaceful, fully reconciled, made whole, sound and healthy, vibrant, strong, steadfast, unswerving, unwavering, devotion, dedication, commitment, determination, resolved, loyalty, fidelity, truthful, genuine, authentic, legitimate, lawful, present, useful, suitable

H5920- צך AiL/A1804- al/*G: Highest Most High, aloft, YHWH, above, on high, throughout, ascend on high, be high, mount, raised, arose, exalted, preeminent, prominence, pinnacle, to go up, offer up, movement from lower to higher place, to rise up, overwhelm, overpower, increasing in strength, Record, Truth, presenting offering, Gift, Sacrifice, wholly given, rest, Supreme Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior To Deliver Victorious, Source Of Life, Character, Attribute, Impressive, YaH Who reveals Self in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant of constant care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, continuity, stability, veneration, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, YHWH Elohim, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Infinite Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Author, Counsel, resemblance, similitude, at One, denoting original point whence motion or action proceeds, completion

H7272- רגל RaGaL/A2293- regla/G4228- ποδων podon: to walk along, to reconnoiter, to lead about, view, spy out, feet, step, pudenda, foot stool, after, follow, journey, be able to endure, according as, coming, possession, rest, table, leg, low place, total extent of the body, soles of the feet, arrogance, pride, kept, pavement, place, position, service, humility, make to rest, subjection, receptivity of discipleship, obeisance and worship, welcome, acceptance and hospitality, modesty, at the feet of, be near to attend and serve, close at hand and present, useful, agreeable, suitable, under another’s authority and protection, in meekness, soft and gentle, selfless, lowly, respectful, unassuming, subdued in another’s ownership, morally pure, reserved and kept, unpretentious, natural, obedient, tame, biddable, reconciled, acquiescent, like the Lamb, calm, quiet, self effacing, in attendance of another, ready, responsive, amendable, well disposed, approachable, accessible, quick, open, plain, easy, uncomplicated, obliging, cooperative, peaceful, harmonious, comfortable, willing, moderate, steady, content, secure, becoming like and following the example of another, to teach to learn, study, be taught, have experience, commit, take in, assimilate, familiar, to hear and understand, established, learn by heart in the presence of, yield, be governed by, abide, adhere, agree, consent, conform, bond, attach, fixed, accord, heed, regard, esteem, reverence, honor, venerate, adore, exalt, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, magnify, serve, hold dear, cherish, treasure, look up to, depend and rely on, lean on, rest on, trust in

H7307- רןח RWK/A2323- rukha/*G: breathe, mell, perceive, anticipate, accept, touch, make of quick understanding, keen, wind, resemblance, life, spirit, rational being, expression, function, mind, courage, deep feeling, strength, temper, revive, constant, Breath Of Life, soul, non-material being, inspiration, vitality, intellect, divine, spiritual, vital principle by which the body is animated, disposition, vigor, non-carnal, regenerate, of Origin in harmony with character, will and purpose of Creator, Word Of YaH, suited belonging to Heaven, all that is produced and maintained by the operation of the Spirit Of Truth, heart, desire, affection, moral being, presence, attitude, frame of mind, way of thinking, emotion, humor, ethos, prevailing tendency, motivating force, essence, atmosphere, strength of character, fortitude, will, determination, resolution, liveliness, energy, verve, zest, sparkle, shine, light, zeal, fire, passion, fervor, real and true meaning, true intention, substance, rule, authority, seat of power, jurisdiction, temperament, fulfill, surround, conclude, close, near, companionship, personality, assurance, confidence, alert, calm, comfort, encourage, relevant, gentle, power by which human being feels, thinks, wills, decides, recognition, power of perception grasping Divine Eternal things upon which the Spirit Of Aloha exerts its influence, highest noblest part of humanity, house where Faith and Trust in Word Of YaH are at home, soul thoroughly roused by Divine Spirit, wholly intent on Divine things and destitute of distinct self consciousness, clear understanding, devoid of all grosser matter, possessed of the power of knowing, all higher spiritual gifts and blessings, august, full of majesty, utterly opposed to all impurity, beneficent effect, prominent, perpetually filled, imparted, bestowed, follow, reception, connection, bond, union, fortitude, patient in all persecutions, sure and joyful hope, teach, guide, prompt, counsel, Author of special spiritual gifts, proficiency, efficiency, effective, complete, revealed

H2416- חי KaYa/A782- khaye/*G: alive, fresh, strong, life, living thing, running, creature, moving, maintenance, springing, living being, state of living as opposed to that of death, lifetime, breath that brings life, quick, soul, not stagnant, refreshing, pleasant, Gift Of Salvation, revive, quicken, keep alive, give life, nourish up, preserve alive, save, recover, repair, restore to life, make whole, have life, vigorous, lively, dwell, remain, abide, stay, access, manifestation of divine power in support of divine authority, bread, water, stones, sacrifice, maintenance of life, deliver, reconciliation from alienation, saved, regenerate, resurrect, warm, glow, earnest, zealous, fervent, honorable emulation and consequent imitation, diligent, sincere, devoted, committed, given self wholly to, occupied, ruled, possessed, renewed, found, live again, merry, manifest activity again, re-enkindle, stir, kindle afresh, keep in full flame, flourish anew, blossom, reverse, attentive, alert, overturn, return, have conversation, honest, turning back, give and take, back and forth, going and coming, stand up again, raised, rear, find strength, firmness, steadfast, return to lean against and rely on, existence, pertaining to life, way, conduct, succeed, confirm, affirm constantly, assurance, confident, ownership, power and authority, engender alive, saved from death, cherish, endear, connection, dominion, order, supremacy, sustenance, make alive, vitalize, creation of life, power of reproduction, impartation of spiritual life, communication of spiritual sustenance, enable to respond immediately, indwelt, to breathe, sentient principle, mind, heart, moral being

H5307- נפל NaPhaL/A1538- nephal/*G: quicken, revive, belonging, pertaining to, homage, worship, wind like, flight, quick, swift, breathe, respire, surround, cover, atmosphere, regular, continued, earnest, perpetual, incessant, successive, repeated, ready always to give, permanent, without ceasing, unending, remembrance, without omission, inseparable, without partiality, uninterrupted, constant, recurring, pure, incorruptible, spirited, strong, bold, communion, connection, joined, union, bond, sincere, genuine, authentic, legitimate, lawful, truthful, eternal, negates the end either of space or time, stresses quality, unchangeableness, choice, best, suitable, eligible, favor, well, sound, will, desire, character, integrity, of heaven, certain, sure, assurance, foundation, accord, verified, confirmed, secure, power, elevation, ascending far above all heavens, distinct, overcome, fulfilled, regard, care, concern, tend, attend, present, highest most high, spiritual, penetrating, sharpness, heart, wisdom, knowledge, devotion, faithfulness, dedication, abiding, endowment, prepared, useful, needed, divinely intimate, firm, serviceable, profitable, agreement, occupation, intercourse, possession, ownership, rule, govern, regulated, sentient principle, alive, animated, soul, life, mind, breath of life, affections, moral being, resemblance, kept alive in full flame, sustained, preserved, renewed, refreshed, recovered, regenerated, delivered, saved, redeemed, feather, wing, rapid, fast, swift, protection, defense, cover, foster, nurture, nourish, feed, parent, regard, fastened, soar, wave, move, touch, achievement, alight, airborne, enabled to fly, means of flight, ready, appropriate, successful, raise, by the side near and close, fast flowing, expeditious, express, brisk, instant, immediate, precipitous, secure, preserve, shield, conserve, sanctuary, refuge, immunity, insure, assurance, guarantee, umbrella, champion, providence, barrier, buffer, hedge, cushion, prevent from harm, armor, show forth, transparent, shining, clear, pure, clean, unblemished, elevated, exalted, lift up, operate, steer, exhibit, bear, hoist, light, jump for joy, ascend, climb, rise, poised, remain and stay, accelerate, magnify, extol, glorify, enlarge, boost, enhance, maximize, augment, amplify, build up, complete, made perfect, glowing, radiant, luminous, illuminate, enlighten, ablaze, aglow, burning red hot, kept alive in full flame, brilliant, intense, vivid, vibrant, ruddy, blooming, praise, thanksgiving, appreciation, recognition, acknowledge, familiar, known, healthy, satisfaction, steady, sure, well being

H5920- צך AiL/A1804- al/*G: Highest Most High, aloft, YHWH, above, on high, throughout, ascend on high, be high, mount, raised, arose, exalted, preeminent, prominence, pinnacle, to go up, offer up, movement from lower to higher place, to rise up, overwhelm, overpower, increasing in strength, Record, Truth, presenting offering, Gift, Sacrifice, wholly given, rest, Supreme Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior To Deliver Victorious, Source Of Life, Character, Attribute, Impressive, YaH Who reveals Self in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant of constant care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, continuity, stability, veneration, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, YHWH Elohim, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Infinite Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Author, Counsel, resemblance, similitude, at One, denoting original point whence motion or action proceeds, completion

A511- dekhultha/G5401- φοβον phobon: in fear, alarm, afraid, tremble, exceedingly, flight, be scared, that which causes flight, swift, sweeping, dread, terror, intimidated, reverential, power, control, influence, guide, restraint, attitude of suppliant, superior, formidable, terrible, fearful, discretion, reverence toward God, piety, be in awe, respect, revere, alert, astonished, moved, protracted state, prostrate, humble, bowed down, obedience, comply, adhere, cling to, stay and remain with, beloved, cherish, treasure, stand in awe and amazement, venerate, esteem, regard, attend, serve, admiration, deference, honor, courteous, greet, remember, occupation, ownership, possession, rule, governance, regulation, think highly of, hold in high regard, look up to, show consideration for, be mindful, recognize, acknowledge, keep, follow, comply with, abide by, conform to, act in accordance with, defer to, keep to, concerned about, refer to, in connection with, prompt, near and close at hand, present, serviceable, fit, immediate, instant, constant, fastened, quiver, vibrate, resound, effective, impact, sway, authority, mastery, dominion, jurisdiction, supremacy, guidance, direction, conduct, Way, press against, Example, model, inspiration, leverage, weight, heavy, pull, prestige, standing, stature, rank, clout, determine, shape, transform, inform, lean on, result, consequence, repercussions, conclusion, culmination, potency, strength, success, operation, enforcement, implementation, validity, lawfulness, legitimate, genuine, authentic, verified, meaning, theme, import, intent, will, significance, Message, Essence, Spirit, belonging, Good, property, achieve, accomplish, fulfill, carry out to the full, realize, manage, bring about, execute, perform, penetrate, discharge, complete, consummate, cause, create, produce, make, occasion, generate, engender, actuate, initiate, Origin, reality, Truth, fact, actual, essential, important, central, near and close, come into force and operation, valid, applicable, able to produce results, shows the Way to others, principle, standard, Word, document, display, providing information, structure, markings that direct, position, indicate the Way to others, escort, attendant, usher, adviser, mentor, counselor, pointer, marker, sign, mark, guiding Light, beacon, pattern, blueprint, template, touchstone, measure, benchmark, gauge, guidebook, lead, show, Shepherd, steer, pilot, accompany, companionship, help, assist, command, run, be in charge, have control of, preside over, superintend, supervise, oversee, handle, give direction to

H7227- רב RaB/A2271- raba/G3173- μεγα mega: creation, creatures, acquisition, purchase, wealth, substance, of getting and owning, begetting, bringing forth, goods, riches, with, possession, occupation, property, belonging to someone, to build, erect, set up, establish, procure by purchase, create, to own, owner, possessor, recover, redeemed, attain, teach to keep, sure, verified, bring into being, making purchase agreement with another, earn, resemblance, beam, branch, scion, offspring, generate, generation, to dwell among with, full measure given, subjugate, cause, large, great, elder, big, loud, exceeding, mighty, high, strong, sore, of rank, degree, intensity, force of voice, magnitude, strength, number, abundance, precedence, conspicuous, outpouring, power, increase, greatness, dignity, ascription, acknowledge, recognition, mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H1933- הןא HaWA/A603- hewa/*G: to be, this, One, same, self, IS, AM, to breathe, existence, alive, become, come to pass, keep, set, cause to be, generate, done, fulfilled, arise, settled, choose, desire, Will, complete, assemble, finished, end, abide, stay, remain, found, begin, grow, ordain, appoint, partake, perform, publish, require, show forth, enter, spring up, arrange, set forth, order, bring together, to give and take, to behave and walk, to live, conduct, have conversation, cause to stand and be, cause to rise up, return and lean on, to lift up, awake, raise up, rising to a position of preeminence or power, spiritual awakening, to know, perceive, be aware, have knowledge, recognize, acknowledge, sure, resolved, understand completely, realize definitively, value importance of relationship, approval, appreciation, connection, union, experience with, familiar, acquainted, close association, teach, instruct, direct, learn, rain, water, pierce, penetrate, hold and keep, protect, nourish, communicating things before unknown, to come to know intimately, reaffirm, remind of what is known, complete comprehension, exact viewing and understanding in participation and proximity of relationship with another, resemblance, similitude, likeness, one mind, knowable, to shine forth, bring light, enlighten, to give light, genuine, sincere, legitimate, true, lawfully begotten, natural, real, honorable, consent, agreement, determine, purpose, result of knowledge, to bear through, carry, establish, grant, deliver, save, bestow, commit, minister, offer, arouse, to free, liberate, redeem, ransom, to make right, endure, take up, purchase, own, belonging to someone, ruled governed, occupy a space or standing in the midst of the people, stirring, building, repairing, resurrect, near, ready at hand, present, valued, dear, cherished, meet, effectual, devoted, faithful, consecrated, dedicated, strong, called, named, selected, strengthen, make strong, empower, obey, imitate, follow out to the end, germinate, produce, mature, ripen, bring forth fruit and result, to proceed, permit, accompany, follow close after with, to hearken with favor, to listen, to attend and care for, to exalt, praise and worship, competency and mastery, jurisdiction, right, authority, influence, stamp, preserve with a signet or private mark, permanence, fixed, certain, sacred, covenant, intimates special interest, authentication, fencing, protection from misappropriation, impress of genuineness, emblem of ownership and security, to save and make whole, to heal and restore, sound whole, peaceful, quiet, together with, hold together, consummate in integrity, virtue, lacking nor wanting nothing necessary to completeness, goodness, having fully reached its end and purpose, restored and attained moral end, absolution, bear to completion, fully paid for, termination, manifest, fully made known, revealed

H5920- צך AiL/A1804- al/*G: Highest Most High, aloft, YHWH, above, on high, throughout, ascend on high, be high, mount, raised, arose, exalted, preeminent, prominence, pinnacle, to go up, offer up, movement from lower to higher place, to rise up, overwhelm, overpower, increasing in strength, Record, Truth, presenting offering, Gift, Sacrifice, wholly given, rest, Supreme Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior To Deliver Victorious, Source Of Life, Character, Attribute, Impressive, YaH Who reveals Self in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant of constant care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, continuity, stability, veneration, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, YHWH Elohim, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Infinite Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Author, Counsel, resemblance, similitude, at One, denoting original point whence motion or action proceeds, completion

A66- aina/*G: strong affirmation, yes, yea, even so, truth, verily, surely, indeed, doubtless, answer, assent to an assertion, confirmation of an assertion, in solemn asseveration, assuredly, abiding, uphold, support, ratify, endorse, sanction, sustain, approve, agree to, champion, defend, continue, preserve, maintain, protect, keep, hold to, back, stand fixed, verity, sincerity, honesty, accuracy, correctness, validate, authenticate, genuine, actual, real, certain, principle, law, in fact, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, consecrated, reliable, dependable, ethical, moral, virtuous, straightforward, good, precise, exact, close, constant, loyal, allegiance, obedience, strictness, unswerving, steadfast, dedicated, committed, unerring, faultless, on the mark, legitimate, lawful, legal, authoritative, right, verifiable, in accord with, documented, unwavering, permanent, earnest, changeless, Will Of Aloha, settled, determined, commitment, faithfulness, dedication, loyalty, Truth, resolved, singleness of purpose, eye, focus, attention, regard, remembrance, fountain, spring, Origin, Source of all being, Creator, desire, intent, longing, cherish, beloved, assertion of confirmation, assurance, assuredly, even so as is, it is responsive and confirmatory of the substance of some question or statement, answer, firm, solid, authentic, legitimate, fact, uphold, upright, righteous, most emphatic, fulfilled, Given, true

H2372- חזה KaZaH/A758- kheza/G2334- θεωρουντας theorountas: gaze, perceive, contemplate with delight, vision of insight, behold, look at, choose, select, prefer, approval, cherish, delight in, grasp, possess, embrace, welcome, hold, keep, safeguard, favor, agreement, harmony, make known, reveal, Divine Revelation, communicating, received complete, whole, sound, view, appearance, take note, regard, heed, seen of God, bright, shining, show forth, sustain, strengthen, knit together, fortified, aware, realize, consider, have knowledge, sure, understand, to know absolutely, fullness of knowledge, know perfectly and completely, known, implies an active relationship between the one who knows and the person or thing known, to have an approving connection, standing very much related, to gaze with wide open eyes at something remarkable, earnest, more continued inspection, an inward impression or spiritual experience, mental occupation, that which is seen and understood, discern clearly, testimony, witness, care for, recover and receive sight, persons connected by bonds of nature or friendship in intimacy, must need, to kindle, keep alive in full flame, revive, to look again attentively, to view with interest, devotion, dedication, consecrated, to draw nigh, respect, looking away from all else at one object alone, sincerity without dissimulation or self seeking, simplicity, union, folded together, clear, appointed, determined, undivided, undistorted, clean, pure, unpolluted, unmixed, singleness of heart and mind and soul, unconditionally completely given over to, surrender, take fully, welcome, accept gladly without reservation, await with confidence, acknowledge, recognize upon a mark, settle, remain, stay, abide, dwell with, resemble, similar in sentiment, to be set at One, similitude, attached, taken, fasten, set on fire, cling to, lay hold of, have fellowship and close association with, to adhere, follow, practice, vital union between, own, belong to, occupy, immovable, perpetual, greet, draw to oneself, to teach to learn, constancy, faithfulness, loyalty, assimilate have access, willing, representation, corresponding, involved in essential relations with, to hear and obey, named, closest spiritual bond independent of space, gathered, nourish, protect, defend, entwined, have compassion, purchased and paid for, redeemed, distinguished, raise up, follow out to the end, yield to, accompany, rest in, rely, answer, appreciation, participation, envelop, overshadow, exerting influence, oversee, to visit and care for, confirm, make room for, present honorable emulation, communication of spiritual sustenance, enable to respond to His voice, respond fully and instantly, touched, connected, reconciled, mutuality, communion, common experience together, contribution, contact, trace out and conform

A1261- lamed/*G: affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

Greek with Strong’s Numbers:

[και G2532] μετα G3326 [τας G3588] τρεις G5140 ημερας G2250 [και G2532] ημισυ G2255 πνευμα G4151 ζωης G2222 [εκ G1537 του G3588] θεου G21316 εισηλθεν G1525 [επ G1909 αυτους G846 και G2532] εστησαν G2476 [επι G1909 τους G3588] ποδας G4228 [αυτων G846 και G2532] φοβος G5401 μεγας G3173 [επεσεν G4098 επι G1909 τους G3588] θεωρουντας G2334 [αυτους G846]

[ ] Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G: no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition. CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible. Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance. Oxford English Dictionary. Wigram’s Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T. The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition. Tyndale 1526 edition. Matthews Bible 1537 edition. Geneva Bible 1560 edition. Etheridge NT Peshitta. Holy Bible: From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa. Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation – Messianic Version by Janet Magiera. Blue Letter Bible. Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition. HAGEBS – Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.

Studies can be referenced at: (HAGEBS)